The History of Portuguese Literature of the FFLCH-USP was built by great names, all of whom formed a field of studies that remained affiliated to them: Fidelino de Figueiredo assumed, in 1938, the chair of Portuguese Literature and Brazilian Literature. In 1946, with the holding of the competition for the chair of Brazilian Literature, the two disciplines became autonomous. Nessa Altura, Antônio Soares Amora and Segismundo Spina were assistants. Massaud Moisés joined the group in 1951. Fidelino de Figueiredo returned to Portugal, for health reasons, at the end of that year. In 1955, Antônio Soares Amora succeeded to the chair. Soon after, Naief Safady entered, but the logo was transferred to FFCL de Assis. Duílio Colombini joined the group in 1965.