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Since August 2003, he has been a professor at the University of São Paulo, where he defended his professorship thesis in 2017. He published books of essays in Portugal, with support from Portuguese government funding agencies, on authors from the 16th century. like Sá de Mianda, a poet in the 20th century. Braga, Angelus-Novus-IPLB, 2001; Poems by Francisco de Sá de Miranda. Coimbra, Angelus-Novus-CLP, 2011. He has also been a research member of the Interuniversity Center for Camonian Studies, based at the University of Coimbra (CIEC), since 2005, where, in 2019, the monograph Garcia da Orta e Camões was published, in Goa and Portugal. He is part of the team of the excellent project subsidized by MINECO, Spain, of the Department of Portuguese Philology at the University of Salamanca, with an investigative and a documentary aspect, entitled Biblioteca virtual de la épica burlesca portuguesa, with the project The Kingdom of Stupidity at BBM/USP: inquiries regarding its authorship and classification as a work of Brazilian literature." Between 2019 and 2022 he coordinates the Partnership Initiatives project Strategic USP-UMINHO - Joint Notice of Support for AUCANI-USP Research, "Rewriting the 16th century - multidisciplinary project (Portuguese Literature, Brazilian Literature, History of Literature, Cultural History), linked to the CNPq/USP Research Group: "Rewriting the 16th century". In 2020 he completed a post-doctoral internship at BNF, with a BPE Grant from FAPESP, entitled Parisian Apographers of Francisco de Sá de Miranda with his poetry sent to the prince; study of the bibliographic code, musical poetry, bucolic drama and letters in verse, which focuses on the performance of Renaissance poetry. He is also interested in 20th century poetry, in the series presented at the International Colóquio Interlocuções Poéticas Brasil-Portugal and in texts published by Ida Alves (UFF).



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projeto de pesquisa


2019 - Current Rewrite the 16th century (multidisciplinary project)

Description: This is a multidisciplinary project in partnership with UMINHO, from 2019 to 2021. b) Project USP/AUCANI-UMINHO strategic partnership initiatives, Joint Research Support Project: Members: Marcello Moreira, Luis Maffei, Vagner Camilo (USP), Micaela Ramon (UMINHO), Sérgio Paulo Guimarães Sousa (UMINHO), Carlos Mendes de Sousa (UMINHO), Ana Carolina Alvarenga (USP, doctoral student), Maria Clara Crespo, Sergio Felisbino Junior and Luís Felipe Ferrari (USP-IC-FAPESP, GRA). Summary: It has already been said that it is not possible to do without the 16th century. From historians and literary critics to poets and artists, there was no shortage of reading, quoting and interpreting the 16th century authors, more from the point of view of an erudition that was always homologable, and less by revisiting archives, poetics, comments and old editions, looking for other visions of the past. Addressing literary historiography and criticism, the project unfolds through the analysis of multidisciplinary records of reception (literary, iconographic, musical, sociological), in romanticism, modernism and contemporary Portuguese, in Brazil and Portugal. Finally, it is completed by an investigation focused on the 16th century. It aims to investigate: 1- the broad 16th century, through the analysis of 16th century sources and criticism of their historical-literary production; 2- its production through historiographical, sociological and literary critical discourses since the 19th century; 3- its nineteenth-century, nineteenth-century and contemporary poetic and fictional reception in Brazil and Portugal. Through strategic partnership actions: 1- scientific cooperation in joint courses at PG/USP and PG/ILCH-UM, bringing together teachers linked to the project, and 2- holding the thematic event, "Rewriting the 16th century", at CEHUM/UMINHO in 2021.


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projeto de pesquisa

2017 - Current The Kingdom of Stupidity at the Biblioteca Brasiliana Mindlin/ USP: questions regarding its authorship and classification as a Brazilian work

Description: This proposal is part of the "VIRTUAL BIBLIOTECA RESEARCH PROJECT OF THE PORTUGUESE BURLESCA EPIC. CATALOG AND DIGITAL CORPUS OF "HERO-COMIC" POEMS IN PORTUGAL AND BRAZIL (SIGLES XVIII-XIX)", under the coordination of Pedro Emanuel Rosa Grincho Serra (Universidad de Salamanca), requested from the Secretary of State of Research, Development and Innovation of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad· My contribution has the TITLE: "The Kingdom of Stupidity in the Biblioteca Brasiliana Mindlin/USP: questions regarding its authorship and classification as a Brazilian work". This burlesque poem circulated in handwritten editions, anonymous or attributed to different authors, until it was published in Paris, without indication of authorship in 1818. The Parisian editio princeps, printed at the Officina de A. Bobée, was followed in the following years by several European editions, in Hamburg, Barcelos and Lisbon, almost all of which are present in the BBM collection, which also houses handwritten editions.