The Portuguese Literature Post-Graduation Program of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo aims to develop the capacity for reflection, research and study in the fields of teaching and research in Portuguese Literature. Therefore, its vain efforts to explore the set of potentialities that Portuguese culture offers, are in relation to the different historiographic periods of its literature, from the Middle Ages to the contemporary, in a synchronic perspective, in relation to various American, African and Eastern cultures where Lusophony expands and he states. In this way, the teachers of the Program are comprised of the uniqueness and responsibility of doing part, in Brazil, of the only stricto sensu post-graduation program dedicated to Portuguese Literature, which allows for diverse areas of knowledge – such as medieval Portuguese poetry, historical studies, or Portuguese theatre, the studies queirosianos, to oitocentista literature, to the people's studies, to contemporary poetry and fiction in the Portuguese language, to the appropriation of Portuguese poetry and prose by other literatures (such as Brazilian, among others), as well as transdisciplinary relations with History, Psychology, Ethics, or Cinema, as Arts Plastics and Art History in general, as well as Cultural and Genre Studies – are systematically investigated and deepened through two research projects that are currently being developed, in the diversity of formations and specializations of the current team.
Taking a more specific perspective, the Visa Program for the training of higher-level professors and researchers, aiming to contribute in an effective way, through integration with the graduate, for the training of professors in fundamental and medium Portuguese Language and Literature in Brazil.