The Laboratory of Poetics and Ethics Studies in Modernity (LEPEM) is an institution linked to the Department of Classical and Vernacular Letters of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (FFLCHUSP), which intuitively brings together professors and researchers from the areas of Letters and Arts, in its various modalities, from History, from Philosophy, from Hermeneutics, from Literature and related disciplines (such as "Ensino de Literatura e Formação de Leitores"), which also includes DLCV, our departments of FFLCH, like our Brazilian universities, where research, projects and academic work are carried out. nesses fields of research. To express Poetics refers to the sensibilities of literary production and reception, as well as its relations with other artistic manifestations, it happens that Ethics alludes to interdisciplinary studies such as Philosophy, more specifically as the field of Ethics, which we say respects the examination of the constitution of the subjectivity and alterity as manifested in modern literary works.


1. Contribute to the development, deepening and dissemination of knowledge in the areas of Ethics, Aesthetics and Poetics, both in theoretical and practical dimensions;

2. Bring together professors, researchers, graduate, post-graduate and post-doctorate students to carry out research projects, extracurricular courses, refresher courses, symposia, colloquiums and conferences of a national and international nature;

3. Prepare research projects for graduates and postgraduates, approved in prior selection, to be developed in LEPEM;

4. Promote exchanges and/or agreements with other institutions and related interest groups, at the national and/or international level;

5. Disclose your results in your own newspaper, to Revista POÉTICA (in construction);

6. Translate into Portuguese works of interest to the projects of your researchers;

7. Schedule academic seminars related to Laboratory topics, where you can interact with undergraduate and post-graduation students.

O LEPEM is currently coordinated by professors Annie Gisele Fernandes and Lilian Jacoto, both from the Portuguese Literature Program of FFLCH-USP, and brings together the respective research groups: o POEM (Group of Poetic and Aesthetic Studies of Modernity) and o NELLPE (Nucleus of Studies of Portuguese Language Literatures and Ethics).


  • The LIA is an interdepartmental body linked to the Department of Classical and Vernacular Letters and the Department of Oriented Letters of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH/USP), which brings together professors and researchers in the area of ​​Letters, Linguistics, Arts in their various modalities, In addition to related areas, such as History, Philosophy, Sociology and Anthropology, among others, with the collaboration of researchers and professors from other Brazilian and international universities and, in addition, people with well-known knowledge in the proposed fields of research, around research that mainly involves the contacts between Brazil, Portugal and the West. Asia.

Research Fields:

Histories, Arts and Studies of languages ​​in contact with oriental cultures;

Orientalisms, sinologies, non-oriental Jesuitism;

The east gives us literary studies and (post) colonial studies;

Studies of China and Macau; from Índia and from Goa, and from Japan;

Luso-Afro-Asian relations with Brazil.

Gerais Objectives:

Study the spaces that are formed in the fractures of the Portuguese empire, in the direction of the east;

Study cultures in contact, cultures in multicultural spaces;

Exiting localism in the direction of an intercultural and interdisciplinary perspective;

Think and renew models of cultural interaction.


​​​​​​ Starting from Brazil, for a long tradition that the Portuguese formed the writing of travel narratives and in the creation of the most diverse interpretations, fictions and perceptions about what was conventionalized by the people of the East, since, since the 16th century, as the Discoveries, images of China, of India, of the Southeast Asia and Japan spread throughout Europe, turning the Orient into a common topic in the discourses of European culture in America, constituting a great challenge, since it is still little connected to the circulation of knowledge that is formed in this network as the ways in which the various interactions occur, between consensus and dissent. Spaces such as Goa, Macau and Timor, among others, have unique relevance to the cultural interfaces of a geography that does not occur in terrestrial continuity, but rather as important points of maritime routes. From these points, continental intercultural networks were formed. Getting rid of Eurocentrism is an immense challenge. Exit Asianism and two Americanisms too. Traditionally, dialogues between specialists, including academic debates, are formed within groups with clearly defined cultural identities. Here, as the growth of interest of researchers in "other" cultures, interculturality must be re-examined in the light of a review of knowledge but also of the constitution of an ethical practice of knowledge. Knowledge of languages ​​and cultural practices is often a barrier to dialogue, therefore, a multidisciplinary approach has been prioritized in a group of about X researchers who will meet around this challenge. [The laboratory closed its activities on 12/31/2020].

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